Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Rotation has been announced.

Well from all the areas that takes around having a great team, the pitching rotation was the one the everybody had identified as the weakest one for the Yankees. If you look at offence, they have a great line up that can hit for power and average. For defence they can put a lot of gold gloves on the field. Their bullpen is probably one of the strongest in the league with Joba, Robertson, Soriano and of course the great Mariano. For speed they have plenty of it on Gardner, Jeter  and Granderson. Now lets take a look at the starting rotation, and what you will find is that is not as bad as everyone seem to say it is. People talk about all the question marks the rotation has on Burnett not being consistent and Nova being new, and who ever the fifth starter was going to be. Now we know will be Freddy Garcia. Well Freddy Garcia will be a good fifth man for the Yankees, heck he could a good second or third man in many other teams. So now that we know who are the five guys that the Yankees will put out there. I'll say yeah, they can compete against anyone and go for number 28.

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